Top-Rated Physical Therapy in Forest Hills (and Surrounding Neighborhoods) in Queens, NY!

Top-Rated Physical Therapy in Forest Hills (and Surrounding Neighborhoods) in Queens, NY! Call us for same-day appointment TODAY! 718-520-8480 108-14 72nd Ave, 4th Flr – Forest Hills – NY-11375 Are you looking for a multi-faceted, clinically proven treatment modality for a sports injury? Did you know that nearly 60% of all adult “weekend warriors” suffer from some type of sports-related injury – or recurring physical problem? Research shows that being active in sports and/or exercise moderately each week can prolong the lifespan(s) of adults in the United States. However, as we age – invariably, we become more susceptible to repetitive stress injuries, aches, and strains. Some common injuries for “weekend warriors” include (but are not limited to): hamstring pulls, sprained ankles, shoulder bursitis, lower back pain, and knee pain. From tight muscles, to sprains, to sciatica – Forest Hills Rehab is committed to getting you back to the activities that you enjoy. We utilize a variety of treatment techniques – such as Graston, ART (Active Release Technique), acupuncture, and chiropractic manipulations. To find out how you can benefit from these and other therapies, call our office today to schedule an appointment – based right in Forest Hills (Queens, NY). Let us help you regain movement and return back to your everyday activities (which were truncated due to a sports-related injury). Call us today and take preventive measures. Note: Please do not start any physical therapy routine without the consent of your physician.